VINGRO G is a bio-organic product which enhances the plant growth. It contains vital Plant Growth Stimulating and essential growth substances which are needed for overall crop growth and development.
It helps to enhance the crop spread.
It induces flowering and helps for better flower retention.
It helps for better fruit set and retention.
It improves fruit size, colour, quality and time required for maturity.
It enhances yield levels significantly.
How to use:
VINGRO G should be applied in the soil at the rate of 6-8 Kgs per acre per application. Two applications are recommended – First at 20-25 days after sowing or transplanting / Second – At 50-55 days after sowing or transplanting.
Recommended crops:
VINGRO G is recommended to be used in paddy, cotton, chilies, maize, pulses, oil seeds, vegetables, fruit trees, Plantation crops (coconut, areca nut, coffee, tea) and spices (cardamom).