Shivashakti Agritec Limited

Vingro G


VINGRO G is a bio-organic product which enhances the plant growth. It contains vital Plant Growth Stimulating and essential growth substances which are needed for overall crop growth and development.


  • It helps to enhance the crop spread.

  • It induces flowering and helps for better flower retention.

  • It helps for better fruit set and retention.

  • It improves fruit size, colour, quality and time required for maturity.

  • It enhances yield levels significantly.

How to use:

VINGRO G should be applied in the soil at the rate of 6-8 Kgs per acre per application. Two applications are recommended – First at 20-25 days after sowing or transplanting / Second – At 50-55 days after sowing or transplanting. 

Recommended crops:

VINGRO G is recommended to be used in paddy, cotton, chilies, maize, pulses, oil seeds, vegetables, fruit trees, Plantation crops (coconut, areca nut, coffee, tea)  and spices (cardamom).